A BFD session for each peer

Balkan-IX implemented the provisioning of a BFD session for each BGP session. It’s automatically configured for new peers and all current BGP sessions.

“BFD sessions are enabled for each member and the BFD configuration will be
auto-provisioned on all Route Servers for all future members. Please consider configuring
a BFD session with each Route Server, as it can ensure the integrity of Your and the rest
of the member’s traffic in case of any failure. Let’s make B-IX a better place together!”

New member – WEDOS Global

Let us welcome our new member: Wedos Global
AS number: 208414
BG IPv4 address:
BG IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:8e:4::27
RG IPv4 address:
RG IPv6 address: 2001:7f8:8e::27
BGP Community: 65000:0:208414
BGP Community Remap: 65027
Location: Equinix SO2, Sofia BG
Port speed: 10G
Policy: open
RS Client: yes

Happy Peering!

SOX upgraded to 80G

Our member SOX (AS13004) upgraded from a 40G to an 80G port-channel. Congratulations!